Bredonborough The clocks went back
The clocks went back one hour, so rising at 08.00 was a one-hour adjustment to jetlag rather than two. Although I was dribbling gently, WillyFred was not; and hurtled in from his place under the landing bombe to run rings around me.
Onto the High Street to acquire the Minx’s Sunday reading I…
… and into the Cellar I...
12.56 E-flurrying, and to a little gentle reading in the Home Study I…
15.12 Toyah and WillyFred admire the nesting-dolls given to the Minx by a French fan…
18.03 Organising, carrying, papering, preparing for a supper-visit from our locals pals, formerly of the haunted house across the Market Square.
21.35 Lotsa fun. A most enjoyable gentle evening of the local kind.